Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Today was an absolutely beautiful 4th of July. Starting off as a cloudy morning, the day ended beatuifully. A motley crew of Jet City Rollergirls skated in the Everett 4th of July parade - our second year in a row - and one of my favorite events we participate in as a league. It's a short route, we make friends with lots of kids who love to see us on rollerskates and a lot of older folks who remember derby in their youth. A bunch of us then headed over to Star TaRiot's house for a very tasty afternoon BBQ at which time the sun peered out from behind the clouds. I managed to put sunscreen over my tattoos but ended up getting more sun (read: burn) than I have in YEARS. I am a new found lover of the sun, getting so little of it in Seattle, but I'm not interested in getting burned for all the reasons I grew up with - cancer, looking like a leather bag later in life, cancer, you know, the usual reasons.

We ate BBQ, hung out, talked about derby, crafts, how we met whomever, drank tasty beverages. Me and Arson headed back to Seattle around 5 p.m. so that she could head to yet another BBQ and party and I could head home to my empty apartment. I enjoyed a cat nap, ate some pizza and fresh cantaloupe, cleaned the apartment, put groceries away, unpacked my bag from my vacation last week and started gathering up stuff for a team garage sale.

I'm looking forward to getting to bed at a decent hour and calling it a great holiday.

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