Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Snickerdoodle Mochi-Pie

"You know, they were all snickerdoodle mochi-pie." My friend Glitter was explaining how her friend Jen was, you know, making out, all in each others face, all snickerdoodle mochi-pie with her girlfriend and consequently missed the fact that they were playing a song for the wedding party and not for other guests to jump out on the floor. It was the bridal party dance and they were just guests. And consequently, in the snickerdoodling they missed the cue, ended up on the dance floor and in the way of the photograph. "I'm just not like that. I'm not a big PDA person." I'm the same way. And so are so many people I know. And so it this blog.

The thing is in the last few weeks, stuff has been happening to people and because they're not all snickerdoodle mochi-pie about it, I haven't known always what has been motivating their actions. And believe it or not, they don't have to tell me - though it has caused some confusion among other people. But here are some of the things they're not snickerdoodling about: A couple of friends have received their pink slip (one from a company she's been with for 8 years), one has a really sick kid, a few are having serious relationship problems, more are having health problems, some are having general family issues, another hates her job.

There are all of those things that simmer beneath the surface, and influence decisions people make. And sometimes we don't know that. And sometimes you have to start each day a little more gently or patiently because someone didn't snickerdoodle mochi-pie in your face to let you know what's going on.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is why I play derby!

And I'll have to tell you about it when I have a chance... I'm spent, still slightly hungover and completely in love with my team!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Carrots and the Midwest

The weather lately has been very reminiscent of Aprils in the Midwest. Yesterday was sun, rain, hail, snowballs (I swear it was like some mini snow ball fight between the gods in the skies and those on earth) back to sun ending in freezing rain. In my two years, three winters of being in Seattle, this is the most peculiar weather ever. Luckily for me, my vegetables don't seem to mind. I actually have carrots sprouting! I tried to grow carrots three times last year to no avail but all of my veggies, lettuce, peas, carrots and beans are quite happy with the snow and sunshine mix.

Last night the Dairyland Dolls (Madison, WI) were in town to play the Rat City Roller Girls. I have such an affinity for "those things Midwest" (and not all things Midwest) but besides being so damn cute in white milk maid uniforms, I wanted them to win! And they did! (And really, everyone loves Madison. It's like Evergreen, WA or Oberlin, Oh - a great progressive, college town where good things happen in the heartland.) They fought for every point against Grave Danger. They did a bunch of things really well - one of them being their incredible communication. They were always talking to each other, letting each other know where they were, when they were called out for too many penalties, who was going where. They also worked really well together with their "friends" (or in pairs) - it was a delight to watch them play. And they played so cleanly. They were awesome. I love those Midwestern gals.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I swear this is like a Midwest winter - late spring snows! As I walked from one happy hour to another, it started sleeting. I was only wearing my leather jacket and cloggs -trucking up a hill (on my to school both ways.) And I couldn't help think of my poor veggies in the cold snow! If I get some time tomorrow, I'm going to go to my P-Patch and build little tents for them or something. I'm not sure my lettuce can handle the cold.

My first happy hour was to talk about my recent friend's trip to South Africa. She went with some other students from the University of Washington to work in a women's legal center center in Cape Town. And she had a horrible experience. The more we talked about it, the more it was about dealing with the other students, living in a house with 17 other American who thought they knew what they were talking about. She was frustrated, angry and didn't want to go to law school anymore even volunteer. I sympathized with trying to deal with Americans who thought they knew everything (though young, she's already had one career and spent 6 years as a stylist). Though the more we talked, we started laughing about public transportation, riding in the combi, fearing for her life, laughing about the drivers. We talked about how great her experiences were when she was just hanging out with other South Africans (away from the Americans), the Zimbabweans she met and how she wants to travel some more.

Americans can be a tough group to deal with sometimes. It's great to get out there, experiencing the world and different cultures... and we all have to start somewhere, but it's tough when you're hanging out with so many of them who are having that first experience together.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mack Trucks, winter, the world

Yesterday I got a deep tissue massage to work out the back kink, muscle tweak, thing I did to my back at Greenlake on Sunday. I don't ever seem to get to get a massage to just relax and feel good, it's always to fix a problem. And my masseuse, who is also an athlete and works at Ballard Massage (which is awesome and two blocks away), worked the back spasm out. I was drunk happy and grateful for the spasm to become just a sore muscle. I drank lots of water, went to practice (only giving about 80%) and went to bed early. But I still felt like I had been hit back a Mack Truck today - all day today. I tried to avoid taking Advil but I felt awful, sore but happy. Oy.

And winter came back today - it was cold and rainy yesterday but was worse today. If it hadn't been for the teaser Saturday I would be at my wits end (though I'm happy that my garden is getting a good drink of water). One of the many tiring things about winter, is that I'm absolutely sick of my cloths. I'm sick of wearing the same things for the past 9 months. I can't wear open toed shoes or short skirts. And forget shopping (which I don't like to do anyway) - you get to the store and the clothes on the mannequins are for people who live in sunny south Florida - not rain soaked Seattle. I want to wear my cute and fun things. I want to wear my bright orange sandals that I love so much and not be cold.

And then there are people rioting over food all across the world... I really don't have much to complain about.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A lovely weekend....

The first 70 degree day occurred on Saturday and it might as well have been a national holiday the way everyone celebrated. Any excuse you could find to be outside got you there... I started the great weekend with Friday off of work - just for fun. (When I schedule the day off I needed it but as the week went on I didn't really need it.) Friday was running around outside, skating a Greenlake, a nap with my cats and a baseball game that evening - my first one at Safeco field. It was fun - I was hanging out with a bunch of Wenches. A guy in our section got a wave going (after many tries) that looped the stadium 4 times (so much fun).

Saturday was an early haircut, outside, outside, outside - a bunch of laps around Greenlake on my skates (and a pulled muscle in my back when I reach down to fix my toestopper.) Another cap nap. Running errands for an event that evening. A walk at Golden Gardens (the Pacific is so cold). Lunch. Dinner outside. Off to the event. Home not too late and waking up to rain.

I was under the impression that it was a "weekend" of sunshine and not just one day. But it was good enough. I'll take it.

Monday, April 07, 2008

All dressed in pink for a great weekend of burlesque!

All the trees are sporting bright pink spring jackets! Its like "Fashion Week" here in Seattle and green leaves (the "new black") are starting to appear. There are a couple of trees by my office that are ready to declare this winter done! Amen! I just wish it was.

This weekend I went the Moisture Festival's Burlesque in the Round at the ACT theater downtown and it was an amazing show! Simply incredible! There were only two "traditional" burlesque acts. There was a "neo-burlesque" act out of Portland that looked like a bunch of raver kids, eating their candy, texting on the phone and chasing after "bunnies" (whose coats they stole). There was a group called Duo Madrona - the only trapeze act invited ever invited to the circus competition in Paris. Their strength was astonishing and their act barely made the trapeze move at all. Amazing. Then there were my favorite The Aerialistas! They are an incredible group of women, who do these amazing acrobatics in the air - with huge drapes, hoops and other objects. They were dressed as the cutest cupcakes in the world! They wore cute blond wigs, with cupcakes, and did their act with smiles on their faces as they held each other by their ankles. Nanda was a group of male performers much in the vain of "Crouching Tiger". All of their movement was choreographed (with sound effects) and as they would bounce off a pole and rip off a shirt. It was fantastic. There was Chica Boom, a Latina burlesquer, who had this great "Mexican wrestler" story and ended up fisting a donkey penata (a long story for later.) There was this award winning cabaret very psychedelic show and a few "cute" burlesque act. Nothing could beat it - such super creative, high energy, live theater. I loved it. And I loved Seattle for giving me the opportunity to experience it.

Tonight, I raced the spring sunshine home hoping to beat the impending rainstorm that had come rolling in off the coast. The clouds were dark and low and I was sure it would start raining any minute (much like this weekend had been - rain, sun, rain, clouds, rain, rain, sun.) I popped on my outdoor wheels and headed to Greenlake to get some outdoor skating in before rain. And it was great - the stress of the work day rolled off like sweat and it seemed to only sprinkle at one end of the lake. It was a great was to end the work day... and start the week.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

My other favorite photo...

Breakin' up a whip! Yeah!