Sunday, April 20, 2008

Carrots and the Midwest

The weather lately has been very reminiscent of Aprils in the Midwest. Yesterday was sun, rain, hail, snowballs (I swear it was like some mini snow ball fight between the gods in the skies and those on earth) back to sun ending in freezing rain. In my two years, three winters of being in Seattle, this is the most peculiar weather ever. Luckily for me, my vegetables don't seem to mind. I actually have carrots sprouting! I tried to grow carrots three times last year to no avail but all of my veggies, lettuce, peas, carrots and beans are quite happy with the snow and sunshine mix.

Last night the Dairyland Dolls (Madison, WI) were in town to play the Rat City Roller Girls. I have such an affinity for "those things Midwest" (and not all things Midwest) but besides being so damn cute in white milk maid uniforms, I wanted them to win! And they did! (And really, everyone loves Madison. It's like Evergreen, WA or Oberlin, Oh - a great progressive, college town where good things happen in the heartland.) They fought for every point against Grave Danger. They did a bunch of things really well - one of them being their incredible communication. They were always talking to each other, letting each other know where they were, when they were called out for too many penalties, who was going where. They also worked really well together with their "friends" (or in pairs) - it was a delight to watch them play. And they played so cleanly. They were awesome. I love those Midwestern gals.

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