Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Not quite the weekend I was hoping for....

And here it is Tuesday and I'm still wallowing in the fact that I didn't get to play in my P-Patch on Sunday. Saturday was a stellar, absolutely beautiful day where we laid out our new roller derby track, cleaned it all up and then loaded it back in. It was warm, sunny and a great turnout of skaters (which meant that it actually ended on time!) I went to the RCRG bout that evening, cheered on some friends, watched some good derby, when back home for snacks and generally could call it a productive, fabulous evening - cool, sunny, almost spring.

I woke up on Sunday ready to lay my garden out into 4 sections, plant "starts" of lettuce, and seeds of lettuce, corn, peas, carrots, beans and flowers. I couldn't wait to get started on my New Year's resolution but it was pouring down rain and about 40 degrees out. Pneumonia was about the only thing I would get if I went outside. The sun managed to break through about 4 p.m. as I was supposed to be heading to West Seattle for homemade salad and pizza for "Easter Dinner".


Today in the sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain that has become characteristic of this spring, I did end up hanging out with a friend I know from my days in Cleveland. It had been nearly 8 months since we had last seen each other. He's one of those people that can tell a good story, has had amazing experiences, can tell you a good story about those amazing experiences, and you're convinced he'll have plenty more - you might have even been a part of them yourself. He's a law professor, he's traveled all around the world but some of his best stories are about watching films on the sides of houses in his small town where he grew up in Pakistan. He makes the world feel very small. He's one of those people you like to be around. And I'm glad we're still friends. Even across the county, in the same city.

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