Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It's been super chilly in Seattle these last few days - and not Midwest bone biting cold but cold just the same (and considering my apartment wasn't made for bone chilling Midwest winters, it's very cold.) With the windchill, it's hovering in the high twenties. The city, being right on Puget Sound, makes for fantastic wind tunnels as you're walking to work.

This cold evening made for a second night of my curled up on my futon, with my kitty friend Monkey, under covers, fast asleep after dinner. All plans to go the gym became visions of sugar plums in my head - pretty much all plans vanished as Extra! relayed very important stories about Britney Spears.

I completely forgot to write about one of the best things that happened this past weekend - at Derby Prom I was voted "best attitude" by my sister skaters. What a great honor! I was surprised and humbled! And some of my skater friends, a couple of drinks into the night, told me what a inspiration I was to them. What a great way to end a weekend. (I also got an award for "best socks for 2007" - they speak for themselves.)

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