Sunday, October 14, 2007

I would like to be a dancer, please.

The Bellingham Betties rolled out onto the floor and put on a fantastic show of roller derby tonight! There were some incredible hits, nail biting jams, keeping the score within points of each other, many tied moments during the evening. I had been there since 11 a.m. (met friends for breakfast at 10 a.m.) setting up bleachers, the "green room", explaining how roller derby is played to friends and parents of roller girls (one women said I should be a writer... funny.) It was a great evening hanging out with some of my regular roller fans like Weedy and Jon, Papa and So Sue Me. Astro and I saw each other from across a stack of bleachers and ran to hug each other like long lost (derby) sisters. I truly enjoy derby and love, love being a part of it! The Betties did such an amazing job and put on such a good bout - I was proud, once again, to be a part of something so fantastic. At the end of the evening, I had a beer with Hotty and some of the usual suspected before hitting the road for the 85 mile trip back to Seattle.

Road trips at night are among my favorite. My car pushed 42 miles a gallon, I can see the crazies who don't see each other in their blind spots, and you look into the distance knowing there are stars somewhere above the mountains and the tree lines. You pass by certain points hoping the drunks aren't out as the Pacific Northwest fog starts to dance in. The miles tick by, the music is great, and sometimes you wish you didn't have a destination.

I got home to cats deprived of attention and a wine glass calling my name. I put on the public television as background noise poking around the Internet, when the "classic arts" program came on - showing an incredible performance by Romanian dancers. They were modern dancers, ballerinas and gymnasts. I saw long tulle skirts out of the corner of my eye and was memorized by a dance that was mostly upside down with legs in the air, looking more like living art pieces than dancers. Their strength amazed me - their costumes were fantastic. I was rivited. I was thinking of an amazing show I saw as a kid on the public channel in Denver involving animated found objects. When I was younger, I had so wanted to be a dancer.

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