Monday, May 07, 2007

The Full Moon is the mother of all children

is how the saying went in Cote d'Ivoire when there was a full moon hanging in the sky. Kids would stay out all night and play – you could hear their laughter until well after midnight. Everyone generally stayed up just a little later – it wasn’t quite so dark – casting all kinds of shadows. In the retail/service world, when “the public” would start to get slightly crazy it would only take a second before someone would run to the back office to check the calendar – sure enough it was a full moon.

The full moon last week wreaked havoc - permeating many relationships– many break ups, separations, sick children, (even a natural disaster) and a general sadness that came in more bunches than 3’s. (There were a couple of humorous incidents that could also have been blamed on the “fool” moon.). At the end of some of these sad evenings, you had to wonder if there wasn’t something to all the mythology about the moon.

Luckily, it’s just a phase.

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