Friday, April 06, 2007

Sunshine - we're all drunk.

Today was the third day of sunshine and the warmest by far. Today was a day that people left work early or were dismissed by their bosses because it was so beautiful out. Today was a day that native Seattleites said to transplants "this is the reason you're here - right?" Those same native Pacific Northwesterns say things like "You'd think after 46 years (his whole life) I would get use to never seeing the sun. But I just feel so much better. Don't you feel better?"

Today was a day, after leaving work early because my boss told me too (plus I'm working tomorrow), I skated at Myrtle Edwards Park (on the Sound - beautiful!) and skated and skated. I would have skated for hours looping up hills, around bikers and other wheeled people - if I wasn't completely starving after an hour (forgot snacks.) I couldn't get enough sun. I went and washed my car (amazingly popular Friday evening activity when it's 70 degrees.) I had a snack and on such a day, couldn't find a way to want to do laundry - just yet. I walked to my P-Patch. Kids were out playing, people were walking around everywhere. I ran into my friends Dani and Derika. I wanted to dig in the dirt (but I didn't know which patch was mine.) It was a beautiful day and became a beautiful evening... and for once I had nothing planned - except for enjoy the sunshine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the new anything you do...having read most of your entries since you moved, it is from the heart that I say that this one, this simple description of enjoying life without a plan is my favorite...the best one in my the way, it's snowing buckets in your parents' neighborhood this Easter weekend...