Monday, March 19, 2007

Traffic, Thunder Storms, 4th Dimensions

I know I've griped about this before but I honestly don't understand the traffic patterns here in Seattle. It took me over an hour to get to Everett on Friday at 3 p.m. (not rush hour) and two hours later it took 25 minutes. It's hard to understand where everyone is going and why they all decide to go the same place at the same time. Sundays at 1 p.m. going into the city is nearly impossible but who knows when rush hour really starts on Friday. Today was an easy Monday drive into work (didn't get up in time for the bus) and other Monday's I've sat in traffic for 40 minutes. I truly, just don't understand it. Where is everyone going? And why?

I dreamt about thunderstorms the other night. I was flying in an airplane to Cleveland and could see the thunderstorm as we approached the city - fantastic lightening! I was slightly nervous (I've flown in one thunderstorm and it was incredibly rough) but so thrilled to see the lightening. There aren't thunderstorms out here. The temperatures aren't extreme enough to create the volatile reaction when a cold and warm front collide. They're missed.

I do have to add though, the 4th dimension, opened up by my landlord when he added a pipe to the bathroom has been an incredible source of entertainment for the kitty friends. I KID YOU NOT, they are in the bathroom when I come home from work, looking at the hole in the wall, receiving life instructions of some sort. Monkey jumps in the bathtub and then darts down the hall. Sometimes they sleep in the bathroom. It's hilarious. It's crazy. I wonder what the hole in the wall is telling them.

Clearly, my life is full of mystery right now.

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