Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Year's Resolutions...

When I was younger, as recently reread in sparsely and inconsistently kept journals, I use to make New Year's Resolutions that were pretty typical of other 15 years olds in America - lose weight, save money, get a boyfriend (get? what?). When I got older, unfortunately, they became more unrealistic like “work on peace in the Middle East”. Then I stopped making them all together because they just set me up for failure – and of all the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride is, by far, my worst one – so I didn’t want to fail.

I’m going back to making New Year’s Resolutions. And I think they’ve been profoundly influenced by living in the Pacific Northwest and all of my dreams about dead fish who wash up on shores of the Hood Canal (and in Spain too!) because of all the dead zones in the ocean. One of my recent theories was to “eat all of the cows!” The logic being that the poop from the cows and people get into the water system and cause algae blooms with eventually die, creating a dead zone and killing the fish, crabs and other reluctant creatures. (Of course, that’s screwy logic – but it made me feel better to say “eat all the cows! Moooo!)

Instead, I’m going to make more practical New Year’s resolutions (and fewer of them) that I feel are actually achievable and will do better things for our planet and community in general. So here I go:

Resolution 1: Not to procure another single bag this year. I’m talking paper/plastic grocery store, Target, department store, etc., bags. I am going to reuse the few paper/plastic/canvas bags that I have and make an honest effort not to acquire a single NEW paper/plastic bag. It’s going to force me to make sure I always have a canvas bag in my car or on my person when I need to shop, but I think I can do it.

Resolution 2: Buy more LOCAL. I’m not necessarily talking organic – which is nice but might have been grown in southern California and shipped all the way up here. Seattle has the great advantage of having lots of farmers’ markets and when I can afford it, I’m going to do my best to buy local.

Resolution 3: Um, I’ve made this one before and I’ll just put it simply: write more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am currently on hold with Verizon, so I went to your blog, my favorite night reading and wasn't disappointed. I like your resolutions, and I don't feel like you need to...hmmm...write more. Any time someone wants to know whether or not you're skating, knitting, or sewing,they can just look for your shoe, and voila. Now, sticking to one bag...that's a promise to keep! Happy New Year!