Monday, October 23, 2006


I've been MIA lately. After James' and Heather's visit, I went to Key West, participating in my friend Jen's 40th birthday party. I had never been on a beer/beach vacation and I don't know why because I had so damn much fun. I was crying from laughing so hard. We were all full of one liners and hope to do it again in the future. Given an opportunity, I will expand on the land of shipwrecks and scavengers.

This last weekend was the championship bout for Rat City Roller Girls - tryouts are in three weeks. My life has become work (insane) and derby (even more insane.) This weekend I also had to de-fleas my apartment. I bought a futon/sofa from a friend who had dogs. It took two weeks for them to make kitty-friend's lives miserable (as well as mine) so yesterday was filled with chemicals as I tried to kill them off. Kitty friends had to come to skate practice with me and were baffled, when after 4 hours of sitting in the car, they were allowed to return to the house to find it was their same home.

Today, to round out all of the crazy busyness of the last few weeks, the Chaplin and I did the crossword puzzle at work with a beautiful sun shining into our lunch room.

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