Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm meeeeeelting!!!

Ok, so it hasn't been that dramatic but they way people have described the heat for the last few days one would think we're on the edge of hell about to fall in. "I just don't know how I'm going to get thru this day." There were other words used, the bus is a little less enjoyable and the lethargy is pretty high. It's hot. I, of course, think everyone here are wimps because it's barely warm in my opinion and the humidity isn't high enough to break a sweat but it really is a matter of what you're accustomed to. When I came back from Cote d'Ivoire, I was constantly chilled because I was use to 100 degrees with 98% humidity for good stretches of the year. So I can relate - I just think it's funny.

The beautiful weather has lead me to finally start thinking that it's summer. A week ago I was at the bus stop nearly in tears (talk about drama) because it was so cold and I was so sick of being so cold. June had felt like the first week in April for the entire month. I had not concept that yes, strawberries are in because it's the season for them. Yes, people are planning vacations because it's summer. It was June not, April. But until this week I really had no idea.

All of this great weather has lead to great outdoor adventures - more hiking, walking, biking, walks on the beach with friends. However, the water is terribly cold - as the Pacific is in general. We were at Golden Gardens and had to let 10 waves wash over our feet. We could barely stand it as it was like standing it ice water. Other misadventures have to the drowning deaths of 5 people in one week - mostly in a river east of Seattle.

Welcome summer?


Anonymous said...

I had to check the weather. Today in Cleve it's 78 & 56% humidity, which seems like nothing compared to other days we've had. We've also had a ton of rain & more coming. Seattle is sunny, 65 & 54% humidity. Yeah, I guess it's all what you're used to.

Michelle said...

Oh, it's cooler now but on Monday and all thru last week I swear everyone thought they were going die... it was funny...