Sunday, April 23, 2006

Low Barometric Pressure, Spaces between Galaxies and places unknown

This week was off - I was out of sorts - could barely get myself out of bed in the morning - found myself too tired for the gym - too tired often to finish the paper at the end of the evening and consequently found my blog out dated. I was blaming it on barometric pressure - low barometric pressure - there were lots of clouds - cloudy clouds clouding my thoughts and clearly blocking my motivation.

Space between Galaxies was how one of the young slam poets described a relationship she was having with her young boyfriend at the Youth Arts Poetry Slam at in the Youngstown Arts Center in West Seattle on Friday. Sue's daughter Maddy is going to NYC representing the group along with four other young women. It was energizing to be at a poetry slam - and though there wasn't a single male finalist, the males in the audience and those acting as emcees were so completely supportive. They were cheering, brah-brah-brah- making noise WHAT?, as these young woman filed their late teen angst in the rusty metal cabinet called life. They were fantastic and I loved everyone minute of it. As someone who has suffered from outrage fatigue before I was delighted to see that there were other really to take on the role. (Sue, Leslie and I went to Salty's afterward to discuss the poetry and look out at the twinkling city rising up across the Sound.)

Places unknown - I finally made it Renton, not Redmond, this weekend searching for skates to secure my future as a roller girl. They were a small forture - they'll have to wait. Saturday, a play at Live Girls! Theater, Sunday a hike on Tiger Mountain. Tiger Mountain - a place that was Kathy's favorite - that she hiked every weekend when she lived here. A place that Listie and I had never been to before. We took the West Trail 3 not realizing that it was 3 miles straight up. But once we got to the top, the view was incredible. We could see Rainier and the Olympics (the Cascades, of which Tiger Mountain is a part, too). The city of Seattle looked a set of salt and pepper shakers off in the distance though the air distinctly smelled like nature - a smell I know. The hike down of course was easy and quick. The ride back was in amusing as we toured Issaquah for the hell of it. I found out when I got home (where my loyal cell phone sat quietly) that Annika got a job in Jordan and will be leaving in July. Yipeee! Another place unknown. My supplier of the Seattle "tip of the day" - one of my few friends here. I can't wait - it's pushed my trip of "Turkey-Lebanon" to "Lebanon-Jordan" up sooner - I'll be seeing her next May - In'Shalla.

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