Friday, February 03, 2006

Not Samba...

So I went belly dancing Wednesday night at the University Heights Community Center taught by Amira who I met at a party the previous weekend. She's does this full time (though she use to organize and work on political campaigns in her past - dancing is better if you ask me.) And as I've mentioned in previous postings, dancing has been such a big part of my life everytime I go anywhere. I had an absolutely wonderful time and signed up for the rest classes that night. Belly dancing is completely different from my loopy passion for Brazililan music and brightly colored costumes. However, it's a part of many other cultures I so love in the Middle East. Some of my favorite music is franco-arabic and when I was in Egypt we went belly dancing one night and it was hilarious fun. (The hilarious part was the regulars trying to get us to dance.) So maybe I'll take a different path this time and learn a little more Arabic, take some dancing classes and submerse myself in this other culture for a while - though of course Amira had a friend who is also a samba dancer and wants to get together sometime - I could always do a little of both.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, a little bit of...everything is how I see you. the outfit. Thanks for always keeping me on're the most fun person with a blog I know!