Wednesday, February 01, 2006

9 am Combined Service; Watch Super Bowl Here on Big Screen; Jesus is Alive! what the little church billboard at St. Luke's Episcopal Church on the corner of 22nd and 57th, across from the Ballard Library, reads. A couple of my colleagues who know I live in Ballardia (I believe that's a knock on the Sandehoovian influences) keep referring to it - have you seen the church billboard Michelle?! - the one that reads... yep. It's a good one.

9 am combined service. I don't know much about that but I do know when I was leaving a work meeting last night and catching a 9 p.m. bus, it was freezing. The wind was blowing up Pine Ave off the Sound where I switch busses at 1st Ave. I had to hang up my phone so I could keep my hands in my pockets. I commented later in the evening to Pyg - Good grief! It's freezing! I'm going to need to get out my Navy Pea Coat and wear it tomorrow. Pyg: And a rain jacket. Me: Yeah, wear a rain jacket over my pea coat. Pyg: And an umbrella. Me: and galoshes. Pyg: Steel-toed galoshes. Me: Yeah, steel-toed - wait - they make steel-toed galoshes? Pyg: Yep, I have three pair.... oooooh, I need a pair of steel-toed galoshes!

Watch the Super Bowl Here
There's quite a bit of that going around. Even those people who you would least expect are gathering for parties, rounding up friend with whom to watch the Super Bowl. I'll even go as far to say that a great many people here are embarrassed to be excited about it. Michelle, I mean, I know there is so much going on in the world and it's really just football..." Screw it! Seattle is in the Super Bowl! Yippee!

And I think I've decided that I'm going to spend the Super Bowl at the Tractor Tavern, just down the street from my house. It's mostly an Indie music venue, much liek the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, but it's in my neighborhood and how much fun would that be to watch the game with a bunch of people from Ballardia! I'm there!

Jesus is Alive!
Again, I don't know much about this one but I was at the gym last night (trying our a new on in the area) and if Jesus and I were playing PIG or HORSE or whatever make-the-same-shot-I-make-game you use to play, I might have been able to beat him. My shots were pretty on. Maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

steel toes might bode well for steel town to be super bowl victors...have a blast whether it rains or shines....xxoo