Thursday, December 22, 2005

Twas a few days before Christmas...
And all thru the city
The rain was steadily falling - making it quite *hitty.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
Even the one brought from the grocery store (just over there)
The city folks were all huddled up in the bus
While visions of warm dinners dance in their head
When out of the blue there came such a clatter
The bus driver woke the passengers announcing "I must empty my blatter".
I opened my eyes and lifted up my head
Wishing I was really asleep in my bed
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But the Library Cafe and tiny white light reindeer
Our funny little driver, so lively and beat
I knew I had surely missed my own street!
More rapid than eagles, my curses they came
I mumbled and grumbled them, sighing by name
Past 3rd, past 6th and past 8th,
now past the Library Cafe and down on to Wey
Past Diddle and 9th, past 12th and the Safeway
To the top of the street! To the top of Crown Hill.
They kept passing by, passing by, passing by all.
So I jumped down off the bus and onto the street
With 15 blocks to home in the rain almost sleet,
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of site
"Merry Christmas to all and don't fall asleep the next time".


he he he.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear sleepy head,
Hope you opened your Seattle eyes to Santa today and saw your new skyline and smiled.
Welcome home and Merry Hanukah.