Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!
Knit One Perl Seven and a bit of advice from My Secret Twin

Merry Christmas! My first time in Seattle though my second time with Pygmy. The first holiday we spend together happened to be in Cote d'Ivoire while the country was being over thrown (that's another story for another time). This time, we had a great time exchanging gifts and I shared conversations with friends and family across that States. (I didn't catch everyone one but left many messages. Happy New Year and Happy Hanukkah too!)

In my gift exchanges, I did notice a theme I had to share - it seemed that knitting was one theme (a pattern-a-day calendar and some yarn) and the other was drinking (a set of martini glasses and a drink making book) - coincidently two things that go great together. It reminded me of my knitting group back in Cleveland - Knit One Perl Seven. They're a fantastic group of women who have lively conversations, knit crazily beautiful things, with wine in one hand and needles in the other.

Another part of my day come with advise from My Secret Twin (see 12/20 posting) who just recently had a baby. We were chatting on the phone, catching up and I was telling her how I had hoped to serve meals at a women's shelter today and though I had found a couple opportunity, I hadn't been able to get my act together to volunteer anywhere. She sighed and said "Michelle, don't you remember in the Peace Corps they said not to do any big project until you're settled in your house; until you understand the culture. That was the first three months of your job." Oh right.

I missed spending the holiday with the my family in Cleveland who were all together at my younger brother's house (with my cats) but enjoyed the holiday with Pygmy and Jon's families here in Seattle who were graciously welcoming and full of spirit! We ended the day visiting a friend who had to work at a coffee house (packed!); playing Ms. Pac-man and drinking coffee.

I hope you all had a very happy holiday too!

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