Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Be Still My Generous Heart

I find myself hesitating lately. 

Help Fund the London Rollergirls in their quest for the Hydra!

In lieu of house warming gifts, please make a donation to WA Low Income Housing Alliance... everyone should have a safe, healthy, affordable place to live.

Go Fund the funeral expenses for our youngest daughter who was tragically taken from us.

I get to the donate page, filled out my name and am reaching for the debit card when I pause.  I've tightened up my belt lately because of some debt we're carrying from our Super Fun Times Party this summer. It's not huge or insurmountable but I decided that I can't spend any extra money for a while. 

Do I do it without thinking?  Do I get something extra from it? Oh, as a fundraiser looking at my own habits, why do I hit the donate button?  Is it because it feels good to support my friends wishes for fair housing?  Because I can relate and I know how hard it is to raise money for travel?  Because those $25 donations add up to meaningful amounts?  Because it feels good to give? To be a part of the collective... impact?

It's been hard NOT to say Yes, sure, Of course. 

I'm surprised in my "you need to save your money right now" state of mind I find myself pausing and when I go to the donate button and "not now." 

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