Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snowpocalypse Now

The Snowpocalypse is the record amount of snow we may or may not get as predicted by meteorologist all from every news source, including the cable news, weather blogs and NOAA.   This usually happens at least once a year.  The dire prediction starts out with record something - wind, rain, snow-turning-into-rain-into-ice, snow, wind.  Classes get canceled.  People are required to chain up or avoid the mountain passes all together.  Seattleites and Western Washingtonians race to grocery stores to stock up on food, water, booze and fuel. Within hours of the initial announcement of the doom, the forecast is "adjust" and it's not 24 inches of snow anymore but 18" - still scary - still going to turn Denny into a bobsled chute - still going to close Queen Anne Hill.  People are still going to attempt to drive up these hills and come crashing down.  Every single year.  Twelve hours after the first alarm is sounded, the forecast has been reduced even more still.  Now you might have snow.  You may not.  You maybe be asked to stay off the roads - you may be given the go-ahead.

It wears you out.

The whole day my office anxiously anticipated the snowflakes.  I mean who doesn't want a day at home from work (like school!)  Who doesn't want to hang out in their house and "work" - while in sweat pants and a kitty on your lap?  So a flake would fall.  We would get all excited - this would lead to other exciting conversation.  Then the snow would stop.  Then we would be disappointed.  This cycle of expectations would go on and on.  Wash.  Rinse.  Repeat.  Snowflake.  Will there be more?  Should we head to the bus?  Oh the sun came out. 

I finally decided shortly after lunch that for my sanity and the sanity of my other coworkers I would find a very special Zen place and re-the-fucking-lax about the snow.  It wasn't happening - at least not in Seattle.  And even if it did happen, there wouldn't be enough snow for me NOT to go to work.  And you know, as soon as I went there - I stopped worrying about it and actually had a very productive and nice rest of the day. 

I would still love to wake up to SNOWPOCALYPSE.  But I'm not holding my breath (though my fingers are still crossed.)

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