Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Autumn descended with a boisterous vengeance...

This weekend was absolutely beautiful! I started Saturday with the AIDS Walk with the Community Advisory Board for the HIV/AIDS Trail Unit. We had pulled together a great team and I managed to raise $210 in about three hours on Facebook on Friday when I finally had a chance to register and get my crap together. I had a gazillion great conversations. I met another Michelle from Cleveland who also went to the University of Iowa (which was super fun!) After a post-walk snack, I picked up Lara and her friend Andrew who had been at the Smithsonian "Free Museum Day" and we all headed to lunch (Cedar's Lebanese) and then to the Henry Art Museum. That was rather disappointing and I am glad that it was free....

I thought of heading to open scrimmage at Rat City's new practice space but it was such a beautiful, sparkly, cool Saturday. We all went for a beer instead (or two) and I had a nice nap before heading off to a fundraising event. Sunday was filled with meetings and a quick little trip through the Ballard Farmer's Market (peppers are in!), followed by a visit to Ballard Sustainable Market (beer takes less water resources than coffee), other errands and a BBQ with my team. It was a great Sunday.

Monday was a blur from work to meeting to practice. However, in the time between going to my CAB meeting and have a cookie with Heidi at the Subway after the meeting, the temperature dropped 20 degrees has not made an honest attempt to creep up any higher. The dark ominous rain this afternoon sealed the deal and it's officially autumn. Dark. Cold. Seattle. Brrr.

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