Monday, February 02, 2009

What the psychic said...

A woman called Lara on Friday to give her some tips on getting her cat back so Lara called her back, curious, and hopeful for any advice.  She talked about setting a cat trap - which you can rent at Sunset Hill Pet Supplies (just up the street) for $5 a day.  You will most likely catch other neighborhood cats as well, but she got her cat back that way and so did another one of her neighbors.  One thing she brought up which I had never heard of but makes perfect sense, is that Friday could have been attacked by a raccoon or dog and could be confused and afraid - disoriented.  So if you set a trap (with an article of your clothing and food) - you just might get him.  She also said, "I know this is going to sound weird, but before you go to bed at night, visualize a golden orb or globe above where you live so to lead your cat home.  I have told that to many other people and their cats have returned.  I'm a psychic."  She's also a crazy cat lady but her idea turned out to be more common than we thought and there is no harm in visualizing a golden orb before bed.

Interestingly enough, yesterday a woman who lives right behind our apartment building called to say she found an injured, very skittish black cat who a gash at the base of it's tail.  She couldn't pet him or get him to come to her but she thought he fit our description of Friday. Lara went to the place and called for him but he didn't appear.  So today she went to the pet store, rented the cage, got food and set up the cat trap (after warning the neighbors that she's going to do this and not to let out "Bob" and "Patches.")

I'm kind of hopeful that this is going to work and that all of these nice people who have called with their advise and hints on "how to catch your cat" works.  I hope we catch him and he gets to come home - be dry and warm and snuggle up on the new futon.  I also wish the psychic had told me about my enormous car repair and impending root canal.  But if Friday comes home, that's a good start.

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