Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What would you do?
I was watching a blurry ABC last night when I show came on, "What would you do?" They put actors through various scenarios where, for example, people see a guy drop a perceived date rape drug into a woman's drink. And they tape various examples of what people do. More often than not, people respond some way - by offering to buy her another drink or even confronting the guy. (Thankfully, I've never been in a situation like that before.) But I would totally do something - because I have and I've been yelled at while doing.
Walking down the street in Chicago with my friend Denise one summer night a woman and man were arguing on the street and he pushed her violently as we walked by. I turned on a dime and asked the woman if she was OK? and she started yelling at me to "mind my own fucking business". walked away and right into a cop and told him about the situation. I've called the cops on domestic situations and when I've heard people screaming at 3 a.m. in the park. Like the people on TV though, I've been stopped by friends who didn't want me to interfere. I saw a homeless man being harassed by police (or that's what I thought) and as I pulled up, my friend grabbed my arm and told me not to interfere.
It was an interesting show but goes back to that point that we need to keep an eye on each other... it does take a village. But it doesn't stop when we become adults.

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