Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The most beautiful girls in the world...

...happen to be the Johnson twins and their new sister McKenna. Of course, this is a completely biased opinion and I really could have spent a month with them, not just a few days. They're at that most wonderful age of asking "why?" about every single thing. And I'm just the type of aunt that will come up with an answer for every single question. We went to the Cincinnati Zoo, painted a bird house and a horse (that could be washed and colored again). We did chalk drawings on the driveway, learned how to play hopscotch (which Alexandra plays by jumping up and down yelling "Scotch, Scotch, Scotch, Scotch"), had many discussions about tattoos (why it didn't wash off, if it hurt and why my octopus dropped the bubble wand), went to swimming lessons, and read many, many books. We fed the baby, ate lots of food and went thru Aunt Michelle's orange purse many times.

I was sad to leave them on Tuesday morning when I took "the dog" (Greyhound) up to Cleveland. It was only $32 one way which was the cheapest option - far cheaper than renting a car or flying. Of course, I think everyone should ride "the dog" at least once every 5 years (about my average). Riding the bus makes you realize just how unique and special Americans are and their crazy Canadian neighbors. I was ready to clobber the college students behind me (one who said everything as if it was an action film trailer) but instead popped on my ipod with the first song being Queen's "Save Me." Ha!

I spent Tuesday night having BBQ with Mike and parents and drinking beers on the sidewalk with the neighbors, listening to the tree fogs with a roaring fire pit. I spent the whole day with Rebecca (as opposed to the usual 2.5 hours she's allotted when I come on whirlwind trips) walking all of Cleveland Heights and catching up on stories about people we know, ironies (mostly in her life), funny things that children do, families, relationships, the usual. At the end of the afternoon, we picked up her son whom I've known well since birth and her twin daughters (see a theme here?) who are also SO VERY cute. In the year since I last saw them, they have become little Houdinis, with wild blond curls. They had me read them every book on the coffee table before I headed home for dinner with the parents.

I schlepped my skates all the way across the country but I am not going to be able to make it to any of the Burning River Rollergirls practices - which they said I could attend. My schedule has gone up in smoke and it turns out that friends I really want to see (or that I only saw for 2 hours last time) are only available during practice times. I'll get to skate with the Burning River Rollergirls someday... and honestly, sometimes you just need a break from all-things-derby.

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