Monday, June 09, 2008

Don’t Minimize Our Accomplishments, my new tattoo and a short bus
As another skater went on to explain when I was talking about our win this weekend, “You DID NOT play the 11th ranked team in the Nation Michelle”. OF COURSE NOT! But we did play the B team from the league that produced that team. (And that does mean something - even if just a little.) As my friend as work said “don’t minimize your accomplishments.” It was an awesome game and I’m thrilled to have played in it. Here’s a recap of it if you’re really interested.

Last week I got a new tattoo... It's a rare thing to have both money and inspiration. I had the inspiration - got a friend to design it and saved up the money. It's an octopus on roller skates - a derby octopus - wearing knee pads and a helmet that a starfish clung on to (we look similar - the octopus and I - just see the photo below.) The bubbles connect the fish on my shoulder (which all somehow work with the fossil on my ankle.) I went out with some friends right after I got it and she was like "I could never get a tattoo - I mean what I am going to do about with when I'm 65?" My only response was "I haven't even begun to think of 65." I mean that's forever away - right.

My express bus this morning was a short bus - literally. It was about half the size of the regular morning express bus. This stop is usually the last stop with seats (so I can sit and read the paper on my way to work.) We blew past a couple of stops because we were packed full. It was kind of ridiculous - with gas as expensive as it is - and for it to be an express morning bus - to be a short bus. I just hope it's not a sign of anything else. Just a short bus.

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