Friday, March 07, 2008


I have this very increased and heightened awareness of my surroundings since a Sierra Club organizer was stabbed to death on New Year's Eve. When it first happened, all of us who do any kind of organizing were convinced that it wasn't a coincidence. It has to have been someone who was on either side of the environmental issue - either a passionate radical environmentalist or someone completely opposed to everything the Sierra Club represents. It was a horrible tragedy and it turns out it was horribly random! Since then, I am just more aware than I was before.

Last night I was walking home from the gym, stopped by the grocery story for a snack and walking home I was just trying to be more aware when I was completely accosted by a tree filled with spring blooms! And there were two more in a row. That is one thing that I can't seem to get use to in Seattle - spring has sprung and it's the first week of May! The magnolia trees are in full bloom and there are random pink lollipop on the sides of the road letting us know that we just need to be a little more patient because summer is just around the corner... after a few more 30 degree mornings.

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