Monday, December 03, 2007

It's Snowing! It's Snowing!

Snow flurries greeted us as we landed in Seattle on Saturday! I wanted to jump up and shout "yippeee!" (yes, I'm a snow princess.) We stumbled home and all tried to stay up until at least 8 p.m. to stay our jetlag as long as possible.

Sunday was a fun day, even with a wicked travel cold, grocery shopping (for non-salty things), getting out my holiday lights, writing Christmas cards and... running out of steam many times during the day.

Today though, as I stood in the pouring down rain, soaked, having missed my second bus, all I could think of was "this is the only reason I don't like Seattle" and it turned out quite disastrous as rivers flooded, homes floated away and a state-of-emergency was declared.

Welcome home.

Here are some photos from my trip:


Anonymous said...

Michelle it is SNOWING like CRAZY right now. Big, fat, fluffy flakes compliments of Mlle Erie. You'd love it. I hate it. Trade?
p.s., love your photos of Egypt!

Anonymous said...

happy christmas, michelle :)

Anonymous said...

sending comments got a little tricky for this oldster in the valley of the hunt....blogger/google to any OpenId makes little sense to me...but not much else does happy christmas, from someone not trying to Bee too anonymous!