Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Windy Days and Dreams of Failure...

The ocean is the most obvious dictator when it comes to weather here in Seattle. The ocean will push dense fog over highways, drop misty mornings in Ballard, and toss in a wind storm here and there that will take out power for a week and show down the city - which is what's supposed to happen tonight... I have also learned not to believe the weathermen. They don't seem to get it right - in Seattle.

Today I learned that the AIDS Vaccine Trail in which I was participating failed. Harsh words but essentially it didn't work - it wasn't producing the results necessary. When I was called about it, I started laughing and telling the nurse in charge of my vaccine, "David, don't you remember, I came in for a vaccine one time and told you about a dream I had where it had failed." You're scaring me Michelle. "No, remember, you pulled us all into a room - kind of like a theatre - and told us it hadn't worked and sent us all home." (I blogged about it the dream. And I know I dreamt it because I had no reaction to the vaccine which just made you think nothing was happening.) I made a joke about it because when I find myself in stressful situations I try to find a reason to laugh. But it's not wasn't funny. They had a lot of hope for this vaccine (it was in a Phase II B for those of you who know about these things). A lot of hope slipped away - especially for all of these people in the world who are waiting for something to slow down, alter, change this deadly disease which is killing generations - which has take friends of mine who were parents, coffee shop owners, artists and teachers.

I hate it when you dream of things like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you tried. others dream of tryig.