Sunday, June 17, 2007

SNIFF, sniff

Tonight was my last SIFF volunteer shift. As my friend Katie stated and I concurred, it's a lot like summer camp. Last year, my first year, was fantastic! I saw 27 films, volunteered a gazillion hours, made tons of friends, went to parties and still managed to skate and have a great time! This year, volunteering was fun but I moved, had a wedding (in Mexico) right in the middle of the festival, saw only three films and just couldn't get my schedule to work out as well as I would have liked - though I did come out of it with one new friend - who is going to put together a circus workshop for my team.

I have the SIFF guide and some ideas of some films to watch... and next year to go back to summer camp again.


Anonymous said...

If ever you decide to write a manual on how to get the most out of every single day, I promise to be first in line to buy it. By the way, fun dress you wore to the wedding.

Anonymous said...

I managed to see 20 showings at this year's SIFF, all while missing a week in the middle for my aunt's wedding. It was one of my best SIFF years ever.