Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bits of misery, West Seattle, and Slop. . .

The ONLY thing that was miserable about this weekend was the freezing cold rain that came pouring down in sheets on Friday night (oh, and Saturday night too). I tried to do some grocery shopping after work and was amply discouraged from such endeavors. Instead I curled up on the couch at a friends house and watched the movie Hero, which I thought I had seen and fantastically, I had not.

Saturday morning found me, Weedy and John in West Seattle at my friend Heidi's coffee shop Bird on a Wire. This coffee shop is unlike most other's in Seattle and that's saying a lot since I've been to dozens. Everyone that comes in to say Hi! - chats with Heidi, the baristas or each other - it's honestly being in her living room. She thinks it's both fun and funny and could easily base a sitcom on it (which I completely agree.) The energy is positive. The coffee is great and it's honestly just a hell of a fun place to be. Love it. We then went over to Clementines, a new shoe shop on California, where my very good artsy pal, Kelly, now works. She makes you feel so good about buying $100 shoes or socks or the other accessories in this very cute boutique. This is starting to become a common occurrence - not buying $100 shoes - but running over to West Seattle to visit Heidi and Kelly and have a taste of Bird on a Wire.

In the evening, when the freezing cold rain had returned, I found myself at Pygmy's house. We had planned to grab a bite to eat and then a film as she's expecting to have her baby any day and we wanted to get some of the many great recent movies in. John had some friends over and they were watching the Seattle Seahawks vs. Dallas Cowboys game. Pyg and I sat around and watched it for a bit and decided it was too late to grab dinner so we ate with the guys. The next thing you know, we had missed all of our 7:45 movie options and resigned ourselves to finishing the game. The 4th quarter elicited screaming and utter disbelieve as the game was winding down - if it had been pool, we would have called it "Slop" - instead I got a call from a friend in Cleveland who left a message saying, "Um, Michelle, I'm at a bar in Parma watching the Seahawks game... and I don't know if it means anything to you, but what the hell is going on out there?"

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