Saturday, December 16, 2006

No power... party on.

The Pacific Northwest has been getting it butt kicked lately with such horrible weather. There was a record amount of rain in November, unseasonal snow after Thanksgiving followed by weeks of constant rain, capped off with a horrible rain/wind storm that has left parts of Seattle and more than 1/2 million other people in the region without power. Gas stations ran out of gas as people panicked to fill up at the only working gas stations (I drove on "e" forever trying to find a place with gas while my errands today.) 4 people died. It's been quite a week.

Heidi and Kelly's house sits in West Seattle where our party was held Friday - without power. I send numerous evite messages to those who had replied saying "the party is still on! We'll grill what we can, plug in the battery powered i-pod, who need electricity to drink beer!" It took me twice as long as ususal to get to Heidi's house after work on Friday (where almost half of our clinics were closed) as traffic lights were out and streets were closed with downed trees. The house was a cold 55 degrees and the sun was setting fast. Heidi got a fire started in the fire place and I quickly cut up apples and other things for fondue dipping. We had a drink and wondered just how many people would show up to our "barrio" - Mexican theme birthday/Christmas party in a dark, blackened out neighborhood.

4o to be exact.

With a blanket down to keep the heat (and people) in the back room, approximately 40 of our friends came over from various parts of the city - some with power (like Ballard, Greenlake) and other neighborhoods without it (Central District, West Seattle). A friend took a bus where the bus driver was particularily concerned that she would find the house. Candles filled the back room with light; people filled it with heat and a general din from laughter, chatter, and food and drink being consumed. We shared stories of being lost trying to find the house in the pitch dark, of not having power, in awe of the crazy weather, of meeting new people as these were two groups that had never met each other before (I being so new to Seattle, Heidi having grown up here.) It was the best holiday party without electricity ever!

It was great to be reminded that we can have a great time without all the conveniences of electricity and just the laughter of friends.


Anonymous said...

The Amish have known it forever!

Anonymous said...

For those of us, Michelle included, who were in the east coast blackout a few years ago, it was the best! Of course the weather was better, we were able to sit and grill outside. The entire neighborhood was out and the stars were incredible. Never knew there were so many but without any city lights, it was beautiful. We all think it should happen once a year, it brought out the old-fashioned porch community!