Wednesday, December 13, 2006


* I haven't taken the bus for nearly a month because of the record amount of rain in November, plus snow, dragging on into December. I hit the snooze on the alarm clock and look outside to rain coming down sideways against the windows. I hit the snooze again.

* "News at 11 - it rains in Seattle" was what my friend's 9 year old told her the other day. She was not prepared for that response. She was not prepared for a 9 year old to be so snarky (which of course she learned in school.) She was also not prepared when her same 9 year old found her journal from when she was 19... in the late 70's. What do you tell your 9 year old when she looks at you with those eyes of "oh mommy, what's cocaine?" Oy. Oy.
* I saw Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins (finally!!) and Death Cab for Cutie this weekend at Key Arena. It was a fantastic concert! During one of the songs where one traditionally holds up a lighter in solidarity or empathy for the song, the were patches of blue light everywhere. Cellphones! Cellphones instead of lighters. I loved it.

* But all in all, the stars have collided and the planets are unfortunately aligned as it seems to be a week were I am running into my friends instead of running with them. Hmmm... I need this week to end with the birthday/holiday party with my friend Heidi (in photo - not Pygmy).

*** of course, someone always has it worse...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

of course....someone always does, but to define one's life's yucko by measuring it against what's worse is ridiculous. we all have running into instead of with weeks...even those whose lives are worse. So? Whine, wine, and be merry with mary or steve or santa baby...your life could always be worse :) is not...lucky you...lucky us to know you of one shoe...