Friday, November 10, 2006

Rain, floods and a pinch of luck

Surprise, surprise, it's raining in the Pacific Northwest! But it has been really, really raining - fat, cold heavy drops atypical of the mist that ususally covers the mornings here. (There was even a lightening bolt and clap of thunder on Wednesday - which a bunch of us Midwesterners commented that it would probably be on the nightly news as a "huge thunder storm" because it never happens here. Ever.) And all of this rain has filled rivers, flooded homes and ruined lives. I was impacted more severly by the floods of 1993 that swept across the midwest - damaging the University of Iowa and displacing my and my fellow-students for months (where every rain storm would highten our anxity.)
It's not flooding so much in the city however. Seattle is much like San Francisco - steep hills leading down into Puget Sound. My car did actually take a swim the other day thought, drain pipes finding themselves clogged with fall leaves. We got thru it ok, but it is not something I want to do on a regular basis. Of course, all of these SUVs and Jeeps are glad to have their moment of glory.
This weekend, my plans for hikes will surely be hindered by down pours. I looked at the forcast for the next 10-days and it's all rain. For some reason this is cracking me up. Maybe because it's fall and it's suppose to rain; maybe because the country is hopefully heading down a different course and the storm will surely break; maybe because Rat City Roller Girls have their tryouts this weekend and I am in need of a pinch of luck and could care less about the rain...

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