When I was a kid, I remember my dad use to say something like the priorities in life were to "Give blood, pay your taxes and vote." Those are the things you did and those values became a big part of my life (the giving blood has been complicated by my many travels abroad). I decided to become an election worker after the 2004 election in Ohio which was a disaster on so many levels; voter registrations thrown away; communities with more votes than voters; challengers, etc. I volunteered to be a Democratic Challenger in the last election. When I got to my polling station at the crack of dawn, four elderly women who were the poll workers in this tiny community were baffled by my being there. Was I going to stop people from voting? Didn't I believe in democracy, etc. I assured them I was there to make sure everyone had a fair chance at voting and by the end of the very long day, they invited me to come back in 2006 - they would love to have me.
I replied to a memo in the paper needing "poll workers" for the upcoming primary and election. I thought I had to be a part of this process; it was time for my generation to step up to the plate; I had to assure that everyone could vote fairly. I volunteered (it turns out you get paid); I went thru a 4 hour training and tomorrow I have to act like I know what I'm doing. I skipped speed skating practice to go over my notes, make a schedule, etc. I like the idea of voting. I like the idea that everyone has a voice. Though what an incredible difference there is between Seattle and Cleveland - even in voting.
Though, I am not that naive. I do think that a lot of this is like the "man behind the curtain" in the Wizard of Oz - there is corruption abound - votes disappear - dead people vote - countries get overthrown the the right leader isn't "elected" - ballots aren't read - impediments keep people away from the polls. I saw a bumper sticker that read "If voting really made a difference, it would be illegal." I'm not that bitter. I like to believe the other saying "All politics are local politics". And that's why I'm doing this. Because I'm an idealist. Because I want to believe people do and can make a difference. Because we need to believe we can make a difference and our voices can be heard. Because I really do want to get up at 4 a.m. and work until 10 p.m. so that 25 people in my community can vote in a primary. You better believe it - all of it.
Wish me luck.
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