Thursday, September 28, 2006


Yesterday as I headed out the door, I duct taped a note on my door pointing out a couple of issues to my landlord and inspector:
1. According to the Washington State Tenants Union we needed 48 hours notice for an "inspection" .
2. Please don't let the cats out.
3. Since you're here... could you change the battery in my smoke alarm. I don' t have stepping stool to do so - there is a battery on the counter and
4. Could you please find out whose leaving all of the beer bottle and cigarette butts around because that will be the thing that makes me leave that complex...

When I got back from practice last night I was expecting - I don't know, my window to be smashed in? (oh so much drama Michelle) - something - but there was nothing. (You also don't want to necessarily ruffle the feathers of the people where you live...)

I took down the notice.

This morning half way to work I realized that I forgot my cellphone and since I was meeting Pygmy afterwards I turned around to get it. Pulling partly into the parking space, I spotted the woman from upstairs. She said "I read your notice on the door. Thanks for saying something." (about the inspection? beer bottles or cats?) I said she was probably the only person who read it. She said, no, everyone read it. And since the landlord didn't come yesterday I should tape it back to my door.

I pulled it out of the garage, wiped the teabag juice off of it and stuck it back on the door.

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