Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cancer and babies

Those are two words you never want to see together. Ever. But I put them up there as the title of this blog because I have to be honest when I curl up in bed at the end of the day and reflect on my work, derby, friends, family - I eventually sigh to myself, Wow - there are a lot of babies. I mean A LOT of babies. Many, many of my friends are having babies. Some of them are surprises, most of them are expected and all but one are healthy. There are something like 15 being born to my gal pals all over the States - both in Cleveland and Seattle. Babies everywhere. It's like there's something in the water. I love it! I makes me laugh and I relish the role of "auntie". Because at the exact same time I have many, many friends with cancer. Two colleagues, a friend, a friend's mother (also my friend) and someone I just found out about. It is a lot of cancer -to me. Thankfully they're all doing very well. Sometimes sad, fightened, lonely or laughing but most are recovering rather well. I miss them.

There must be something in the water.

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