Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Memorial Day weekend, Films, and other suc

I actually did manage to get in a BBQ this weekend. I was talking to my few friends here trying to see who was having a BBQ. I mean that's what you do - go to parades, BBQ, play kick ball, have fun. (Sometimes I'm so American it's kind of gross - like too much cotton candy.) But no one was doing BBQs. I heard a couple good excuses "Michelle, have you ever been in Seattle over Memorial Day?" No. "It rains. It only really rains. Your first BBQ isn't until 4th of July." Oh. And it did rain - all weekend. The sun peaked out Monday afternoon though and I did end up having BBQ with Kelly, Heidi (a different one) and some of their friends which was great fun. I love BBQs. I love it too when they have yards.

Though the majority of this rainy weekend was spend volunteering at the Seattle International Film Festival, I did manage to see some shorts but pretty much put my time in at the merchandise office and as a lead usher dealing with crazy people - which are not just a special phenomum to film festivals to "the public at large." I proved myself so compident that I was offered a job - which started me wishing that I was independently wealthy spending my days as volunteer and philanthropist.

Now we're back to the work week and of course, the sunshine had come out, and it's been a lovely Tuesday and Wednesday. But it always happens that way.

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