Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snowing in Ballard, Remembering Pool, and the Museum of Glass

Friday was the end of a long week at work (believe it or not, Michelle does have a bad day once in a while). My friend Christine came bustling into my office and seeing the distressed look on my face suggested a four block walk to the post office in the cool Friday sun. We vented and on our way back she picked up my favorite candy at the store, Easter Eggs that are like Whoppers... and I took them back to my office, happily chomping on them, finishing up the week. I snook out a little early and turning down 15th towards Ballard, it started snowing! It was snowing! Snowing! You know, I love the snow.

Saturday evening I found myself out with a new friend, showing him around Capital Hill (I couldn't believe I was acting as tour guide! But we honestly are both new to Seattle and I have the advantage of having friends in the city.) We went out to the Garage Bar, it gathered a great crowd. One guy was teaching another how to play pool at the table behind us. A young couple grabbed the table across from us - clearly enchanged with each other. Catercorner there were a group of bikers who were laughing it up (though I suggested a shot that helped one of the guys win a game).

After the first game, I was perplexed. My friend said he wasn't any good at pool and I thought I was half-way decent and my game was horrible. I thought the "Johnsons" would disappointed in my skills considering I grew up playing the game. Then all of the sudden, it occurred to me that I wasn't putting my hand down on the table. I was trying to aim with a free thumb which was not allowing me to have good aim - any aim actually. It was like learning to ride a bike again - though I didn't win - it felt great to play a good game again.

Sunday found Pygmy, Peter (our Boston Peace Corp friend whose considering moving out here) and myself at Discovery Park, hiking around, surrounded by the Olympic mountains, bright sunshine and families came out to enjoy it all. We decided to run out to the Museum of Glass on a whim since we wouldn't have any other opportunity during the week. It was absolutely beautiful! We went to a lecture first and were thrilled by how they made globets (not to mention that all the glass arts were beautiful, muscular men who made glass!)

Karen LeMonte was being featured. Her expression was stunning - she made these Hellenic dressed sculptures with delicate flows of fabric on the floor. You felt you could grab it with your hands and gently touch it to your face but it was solid glass. I was in awe of these artists - their brilliance and talent - not to mention their age - they were all a part of my generation! So that's where all the leaders of my generation are - in the glass blowing studio! It was a perfect afternoon.

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