Wednesday, March 29, 2006

charles taylor might be more fun to hang out with

*by Annika R, who captured our adventures last night

drinking liberally. sounds like a hopeful bastion of liberal sensibilities.

but no. instead a strange gathering for men one might expect to find at a comic book convention or at your local dungeons and dragons retreat.

there is nothing wrong with this. other than as a group possessing the social skills of a potato.

holy lord.

5 minutes after walking in, no one had talked to us as we stood in the middle of many tables surrounded by geeky looking men who wouldn't even make eye contact with us. all men. bloggers. at least 10 bloggers. some of whom had their laptops handy at the table, i'm sure blogging about the exciting times they were having. and somehow, stuck in the middle of the DL tables was one table of young men doing brackets for baseball.

dwight pelz was there, this kind of schmarmy bald dude who is the head of the dems in washington state. god help us. he was just as socially awkward as the rest of the people. for example, michelle asks him, "so, in the liberal land of milk and honey, what are the main issues facing washington politics". he looks at her, pauses, then averts his gaze to the tv screen above our heads and says "wow, only 12 seconds left", and then walks away. uhhhh.

michelle and i layed some female issue smackdowns, ie this dude, who runs the whole thing, telling us that planned parenthood was putting abortion clinics out of business. uhhh. have you been informed that 95% of what we do isn't abortion? and how he was writing an article that insurance companies wouldn't insure abortion clinics burnt in arson. and michelle was like "actually they just passed a law about that a couple weeks ago, and that's illegal. " "oh, i hadn't heard" "yup". and he those creepy gloves without the fingers that he removed to shake my hand.

talked to this guy viet, dwight pelz's communication guy, looked about 18. he claims all he does is spread nasty rumors about the gop. cool? he was the only person that sort of said hi to us after we chased him down. later on when we mentioned the generally chilly nature of the group he was like, "yeah, i didn't really want to be the one to say hi to you guys because that's not my thing, but i figured i would". uh.

so we had a beer and got the fuck out of there. wow.


Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me!! It sounds like a Seinfeld episode. I am so disappointed in WA Dems.. Oh, I wish I could have been there to stir things up with you. Sorry I was a little out of it earlier. I will send you message to YDOGers today!

Anonymous said...

those last sentences keep me smiling and happily following the adventures on the're so full of life, chutzpah, and compassion...nice to be so pretty to boot...