Sunday, January 29, 2006

Craigslist Craziness, Saying Yes, a Sunday walk in the rain...

I was on Craig's list earlier this week looking for a bed, sofa or whatever - I've started to decide a bunch of it is junk and there's really not that much worthwhile on it - so sometimes I pop onto the groups list looking for a knitting group or writing groups. Sometimes I look on to the personals adds to see "what's out there" (I have to meet them somewhere besides at bars). This week was a little crazy though. There was some guy flagging all of these women who were subsequently getting kicked off. Othere guys were getting on and telling him he's a jerk for flagging all of these other women. Women were saying they would never post on this site. I was like - Yikes - what's going on with Craig's list??? I was told a full moon was approaching... maybe that explains it.

Sometimes you need to say YES! To meet new people, to experience new things. Yes, IÂ’ll go to this bar at the end of town. Yes, I'll go to Denny's at 4 a.m. Yes, let's start a Stitch n Bitch Group. Yes, let go out to lunch. Yes, let's dance. Yes, I'll go to the bar by myself. Yes, I will to see Walk the Line. Yes, let's go to this new restaurant. Yes, I want to get to know you. Yes it's really all about being open to try new things. It's all about saying YES. Let's try this.

And then you find those who love to dance like you and you feel like you've found a soul sister! Woo hoo. Then you meet someone else who has similar hobbies - and you keep thinking - what a great evening ! I've met all of these great possible new friends - but then one of these new friends pauses when they find out where you work or they find out you have a belief different from them and you feel something like a fool. And I'm willing to accept you, in all of your apple pie suburbia - are you willing to accept me?

Sunday walk in the rain... it was a beautiful Sunday morning. Pyg had sprang her ankle so she couldn't walk around Green Lake like we always do. I decided to go check out other parts of my neighborhood. I heard about a public beach down the street past Ray's Boathouse - which I have yet to visit. So I wondered down Market Ave, around the corner on 54th and kept going until I found this little sign that was faded and said "Public Beach" with an arrow pointing towards the water. It made my way down a driveway, around some apartments to a "beach" about the size of my car. I looked out into the Sound - there were a few sailboats that looked like toys off the in the distant rain and a cranee barge with a crain. I couldn't see Olympia Mountains but I felt like I was at the edge of the world. I turned to walk home when it started to pour. Not just rain but pour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The moment of feeling like you're at the end of the world and know its majesty, you are home.

Enjoy the new friends, the screening process, the dances, the beaches, and the rain.

thanks for being morning coffee and youth!