Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So today it took me 1.5 hours to get home. On average, my commute is 40 minutes in the morning and it should be 45 minutes home but it's been almost an hour each evening this week. I'm starting to get to know all of the people on my bus (the little kid who drives the car on the window, the little girl who gives everyone salty looks). In Cleveland, I cannot image having a 45 minute commute! That's crazy. Absolutely.

Here, I'm accepting it. Maybe it's because I live in the city and it's just a long commute and driving is, at this point, out of the question (I believe it's in the top 20 for bad commutes). Maybe it's because it's the right thing to do and I get a free bus pass from work.

I try to knit, make quiet phone calls, and nap. Anyone want a scarf?

Seattle did get voted the most "literate city" today! It was also recently voted the "best hook-up" city and the "fittest city". I guess I could trade in the long commute for these "best of"....


Anonymous said...

Dear Hooked, Fit, and Literate Knitter,

When I photographed for "Portable" at Cleveland School of the Arts, one of the students answered the question of "what would you be lost without," by saying that not having her bus pass would be the worst thing that could happen to her.

And, hers wasn't free! Enjoy being a rider, a knitter, and a quiet speaker into your phone.

Thanks for getting my day off to a Seattle start...xoharper

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle, out here in Philadelphia the commute by car can be an hour one day and 3 the next. Quite a change from Cleveland were it took me 7 minutes, 12 with traffic! I found I like the train. I stare out the window, I read and sometimes I just sit and Be. It can be very Zen, you know, the train.